I would like to inform you that:
- the Local Organizer, in consultation with President of CIAM FAI and CIAM F2 Sub-committee Chairman, decided to postpone the F2 FAI 2021 World Championship to 2022 in the face of COVID-19.
- We plan to run the 2022 FAI F2 World Championships from 08-08-2022 to 13-08-2022. This date needs to be confirmed by CIAM Bureau.
- We plan to start with 2022 FAI F2 WARSAW World Cup from 05-08-2022 to 07-08-2022.
- All registrations for the 2021 F2 WARSAW World Cup has been cancelled. In January 2022 we will start with a new registration for this contest.
Contest Director Marek DOMINIAK